Road ferries
Below we have listed a few of the road ferries we have produced. If you have any questions, or need information about your specific operating conditions – please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Embla is owned by Swedish Trafikverket and operates the line between Hemsö änd the city of Härnösand on the mainland.
Type | Cable ferry |
Length (Loa) | 62,05 metres |
Width | 12,9 metres |
Hull | Steel |
Superstructure | Aluminium |
Speed | 4 knots |
Passengers | 123 |
Cars | 27 |
Cargo capacity | 115 tonnes |
Saturnus is operated by Trafikverket on the line between Svanesund and Kolhättan on the west coast of Sweden.
Type | Self-propelled |
Length (Loa) | 99,7 metres |
Width | 18,2 metres |
Hull | Steel |
Superstructure | Aluminium |
Speed | 11 knots |
Passengers | 297 |
Cars | 80 |
Cargo capacity | 600 tonnes |
Vikare & Nestori
The new and improved Vikare and her sister ship Nestori are the largest ferries in Finland and owned by Finnish ELY-keskus (Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment)…
It operates between Skagen on the island of Iniölandet and the southern part of the island of Jumo and is part of the archipelago’s ring road.
Type | Self-propelled |
Length (Loa) | 47,4 metres |
Width | 12,9 metres |
Hull | Steel |
Wheelhouse | Aluminium |
Speed | 9 knots |
Passengers | 215 |
Cars | 24 |
Cargo capacity | 150 tonnes |
Venus is operated by Trafikverket and is currently, in 2022, in traffic on the Ekerö line between Slagsta and Jungfrusund on Ekerö, Sweden.
The ferry line provides a shortcut between the south-western part of Stockholm and Ekerö and Västerort. saving car commuters around 30 km compared to driving on land.
Type | Self-propelled |
Length (Loa) | 86,2 metres |
Width | 14 metres |
Hull | Steel |
Wheelhouse | Aluminium |
Speed | 12 knots |
Passengers | 397 |
Cars | 60 |
Cargo capacity | 300 tonnes |
Interested in more information?

Please contact us
Juha Granqvist, CEO
+358 28 464 600