Työvene receives significant order from Maritime Office of Gdynia
The Finnish shipbuilder Työvene has secured an order for a Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger from the Maritime office in Gdynia, Poland. The order, worth approximately 20 MEUR, is a testimony to Työvene’s extensive experience in designing and building high-quality vessels for professional use.

The order is a result of a tender, where the design developed by Työvene and Dutch partners C-Job and Holland Marine Technologies, was found not to only fullfill but exceed all the client’s complex needs and requirements.
The project will have a significant effect on Työvene, directly providing full employment for shipyard’s own staff in Uusikaupunki and numerous sub-contractors. It will also create a significant number of job opportunities throughout the delivery chain, making the Southwestern part of Finland even more financially viable.

– I am extremely proud of this project. It is a tribute to the Finnish and Dutch shipbuilding tradition and shows the importance of striving for quality and truly understanding the customer’s needs. I hope this sends out a positive signal both to Finnish and international customers that to ensure state-of-the-art products, it is crucial to consider other factors than just the price point, says Juha Granqvist, CEO of Työvene.
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Juha Granqvist, CEO
+358 28 464 600
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