Quality Management Process
For many years, we have been putting a lot of effort into refining our Quality Management Process. Of course, it helps us catch issues before they get out of hand, but it is also part of a long-term effort to develop our business.
What does it mean for our customers?
In a business segment largely governed by the availability of tenders, a sound Quality Management Process is absolutely crucial – because it results in effectiveness without cutting corners.
In the cases where a low total build cost is premiered over a total life cycle cost, or special knowledge about the application a vessel is built for – or when the technical specifications for a build is very rigid – a good Quality Management Process is essential.
Our partners and subcontractors
Before replying to a tender, we at Työvene try to take all the variables of a fluctuating market into account. Sometimes work is abundant, sometimes it can be scarce. Sometimes, a long time passes between a tender and the actual build start – which means that whoever won the tender, or the sub-contractor, ends up in a financial tight-spot.
Fousing on low cost is expensive, when taking the whole picture into account. But both our Quality Management Process and our Work Process are designed to ensure both quality and effectiveness during production. This means that our partners and subcontractors can feel safe about entering into a contract with us. And our customers can rest assured that the quality is protected and maintained.

Quality control of instrument installation at the Työvene shipyard
Foto: Kasper Dudzik
Redefining the business
Työvene is setting a new standard by making all stakeholders aware of how a marine project is affected by everything from early decisions about specs, to things like time schedules, sustainability, fuel economy and upgradability as early as possible.
The dialogue between us, our partners, our customers and their agencies is paramount. From this comes mutual understanding and also the ability too find new, innovative solutions to project challenges. By spreading our knowledge about how seemingly small decisions can have a massive effect on a project, we are contributing to a higher level of expertise throughout the Finnish marine industry as a whole.
Our processes matter to you
Our Quality Management Process helps us be proactive and stay ahead of potential problems and with it we invite our customers to dialogue. By being pragmatic and reasonable, we always meet our customers’ quality expectations.